Witam Was w marcu!
Bardzo lubię komunijne kartki w pudełkach.
Delikatne zdobienie i uroczy stempelek myślę, że dały ładny efekt.
A Wy lubicie skromniejsze
czy bogato zdobione komunijne pamiątki?
Welcome to March!
I'm really keen on communion cards in boxes.
Delicate decorations, and a adorable stample give
a really eye-catching effect I think.
And you- Do you prefer a more subtle,
or maybe more rich communion cards?
czy bogato zdobione komunijne pamiątki?
Welcome to March!
I'm really keen on communion cards in boxes.
Delicate decorations, and a adorable stample give
a really eye-catching effect I think.
And you- Do you prefer a more subtle,
or maybe more rich communion cards?
I used: